Hrubieszow Real Estate Database
Would you like to rent or sell a property (land, business premises, production halls) that can be used to conduct business, contact us and we will make this information available on our website and facebook. The creation of a real estate database will make it easier to reach people using the Creative Center for Education and Economic Cooperation website and the city’s website with your offer, and will also make it easier to attract outside investors willing to conduct their business in Hrubieszow.
The action is aimed at supporting the development of entrepreneurship in Hrubieszow.
Creative Center for Education and Economic Cooperation is not an intermediary in the sale of real estate, but only provides free access to the Hrubieszow Real Estate Database used for the presentation of attractive properties lying in the Hrubieszow Municipality.
Interested individuals and businesses are encouraged to submit potential investment sites via a free registration form.
Submit property for investment:
Bid withdrawal form:
and Economic Cooperation